11 Woodland Road, London, N11 1PN

Thinking about a church wedding ?
We would love to explore getting married at St Paul’s Church with you! Contact our vicar.
Some frequently asked questions…
Can I get married at St Paul’s Church ?
A/ If you live in the parish (a particular area around the church) then the answer is hopefully yes! See this website to find out more about which Church of England churches you might have a qualifying connection to: https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/your-church-wedding/just-engaged/finding-church-your-wedding
What do Christians believe about marriage ?
A/ Christians believe that marriage is a gift from God. In the sacrament of marriage, a couple make a public declaration of lifelong commitment to love each other, come what may.
The Bible compares married love with the love Jesus has for his followers. He expressed his love by being prepared to sacrifice himself, even to die for the people he loved. This is amazing, unconditional love. Jesus never said ‘I love you, but …’
In marriage we can try to follow Jesus’ model by loving each other in a self-sacrificial way and putting our partner’s needs before our own.
Marriage also gives you a new legal status as husband and wife. Christians believe that marriage offers the right place for the fulfilment of our sexuality and a stable and secure environment for bringing up children.
I’m not baptised. I don’t go to church. Can I still get married in church ?
A/ People of all faiths (and none) get married in churches – we are here for everyone who lives in the parish.
I go to a church of a different denomination. Can I hire your church for my wedding ceremony ?
A/ Unfortunately not. The only weddings which are allowed to take place in this church are according to the Rites of the Church of England. We do not hire the church for any religious ceremonies in any circumstances.
How do I arrange the date and book the church ?
He will arrange an appointment to meet with you in person to discuss your plans. It will be very helpful if both of you could bring evidence of your identity, nationality and address to that meeting. Do not make any bookings for venues before you speak to a priest.
Can I marry a same sex partner ? Or have a blessing after a Civil Partnership ?
A/ The Church of England nationally is exploring these questions at the moment. We are able to bless same sex couples at St Paul’s.
I’m divorced. Can I still get married in church ?
The Church of England believes that marriage is for life. But it also recognises that, sadly, some marriages do fail. Depending on the circumstances, the Church accepts that a divorced person may marry again.
If this is the case, the vicar will discuss your past and your hopes for the future. Even if it is not possible to have a wedding in church, it may be possible to have a service of blessing, prayer and dedication after a civil ceremony.
What are the legal requirements for getting married in Church ?
A/ The normal preliminary to getting married in the Church of England is by the calling (or publication) of Banns. The Banns will be called in public at the 10.30am Sunday Eucharist normally on three successive Sundays. The marriage must take place within three months of the last publication. Hearing your Banns being called provides you with an opportunity to get to know the church and experience our worship.
If you are under the age of eighteen, you must have your parents’ consent to marry.
Can we have a video recording of the service ?
A/ You will need to ask permission from the vicar and there will be a fee. Permission is not required to record the authorised words of the service but bear in mind there may be copyright issues if you’re recording a person’s performance (e.g. a professional organist) or sing copyrighted hymns and/or readings.
Do you have rehearsals ?
A/ The priest will want to meet you and the other people taking part in the service before the wedding, in the church, to talk to you all about what to expect. This will normally take place, circumstances permitting, the evening before the wedding. It is not possible to do without the rehearsal.
What about flowers in church ?
A/ Saint Paul’s has a talented team of flower arrangers who will put together appropriate arrangements for you at a reasonable charge (payable in cash in advance). Alternatively you may like to provide your own flowers, or to engage an outside florist.
Can we use Saint Paul’s Parish Hall for our reception ?
A/ The Hall and its modern kitchen facilities are available for hire, so this may be possible (assuming it’s not already booked). See our hall hire page.