Christ the King – 26th November 2023

Christ the King – 26th November 2023

  Readings Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24; Psalm 95:1-7; Ephesians 1:15-23; Matthew 25:31-46   Sermon by Reader Christopher Ward   May I speak in the name of Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. This Sunday is a very important Sunday in the Church...

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Easter 2 (Low Sunday) 16th April 2023

Easter 2 (Low Sunday) 16th April 2023

Readings Acts 2:14a, 22-32; Psalm 16; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31 Sermon by Reader Christopher Ward May I speak in the name of Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. One of the words that comes into my mind when I look back at the spiritual events of the...

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Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday

When it comes to the Holy Trinity, it can be somewhat of a puzzle. As Christians we speak of God being One: “There is one God”, and yet we claim too that God is three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This morning I want to offer a few reflections that I hope will help open up some of the wonderful truths about the Trinity.

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Pentecost Sunday 2022

Pentecost Sunday 2022

First, we are given the honour of being made Sons and Daughters of the King.
The Bible tells us that through faith in Jesus, we are made children of God. We are adopted
into his royal family.

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The Second Sunday of Easter

The Second Sunday of Easter

I really enjoy a good sci-fi film. Definitely in my top 5 is The Matrix. Neo is rescued by Morpheus who tries to help him understand that the world (as Neo knew it) was an illusion. Morpheus takes Neo to the top of a skyscraper and says to him: “You have to let it all go Neo: Fear, doubt and disbelief. Free your mind.”

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The Second Sunday Before Lent

The Second Sunday Before Lent

Well, the forces that drive our weather must have had one eye on the Lectionary this week, I think! Not once, but twice, with Storm Dudley followed by Storm Eunice, ferocious gales have swept down upon us just as they did on Jesus and his disciples as they sought to cross the sea of Galilee.

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Jesus in today’s Gospel is teaching those fishermen. He’s describing the signs of the kingdom of God, and telling them – and us – how we might feel, if we are in the right place under God’s direction.

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Epiphany 2 (2022)

Epiphany 2 (2022)

I wonder where you are at the moment in life: In a storm, or worried about one coming over the horizon, or maybe you find yourself enjoying a moment of calm and tranquillity – (I was hugely blessed with a moment like that on my retreat the other week. A time of peace.)

Wherever you are, in peaceful, uncertain or stormy waters, Jesus is with us in the boat. He has the power and the compassion to take care of us.

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The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus

The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus

Why does the Church celebrate the Naming and Circumcision of Jesus, a significant rite of passage for male Jewish babies, but nonetheless an event to which Luke devotes but a single purely factual sentence in his Gospel, in fact, little more than an aside?

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