Youth & Children on a Sunday Morning

Our Young Church at St Paul’s, which runs during term time, is an important and popular part of the church’s ministry. Aimed at all our youth from pre-school children to teenagers, children of all ages are welcome.

The children and young people go out into the hall about 10 minutes into the service and return to join the rest of the congregation for Communion. Each week, they focus on the gospel reading and learn about the reading through further story-telling, or conversation and arts/crafts and are encouraged to grow in their love and knowledge of God.

Very small children stay with their parents in church, or you can sit with them in same hall at any point as a crèche. Please don’t worry if they make a noise wherever they are – that’s what children do!

All-Age Services

On most first Sundays of the month, we have an All-Age Service. The children stay in church the whole time and are actively involved in the service. The sermon is geared towards all ages and the service lasts about 50 minutes.

All the children are encouraged to voluntarily go on a rota for altar service from about 8 years old. This is to enable children who would like to, to have a chance to gradually get used to the feel of the main service every once in a while. The older children are also encouraged to help out with the younger ones as well as having Christian based discussions, relevant to their day to day lives with the Young Church Leaders.

Our youth are valuable members of our congregation and are involved in all areas of the Church such as bible readings, alter service, volunteering, fundraising activities and are part of our PCC.


Why not come and see? 10.30am on Sundays